
Centro Scuola has been fulfilling its mission of promoting the teaching of Italian Language and Culture within the Canadian context.
For almost 50 years Centro Scuola has had successful collaboration with Boards of Education, community associations and stakeholders in education. At Centro Scuola we are proud to recognize and thank the many people who have lavished their talents in promoting and teaching the Italian language and culture in their daily lives. The efforts of Centro Scuola have also facilitated and opened the horizons to the teaching of other languages in the school system and other communities have benefited from our commitment.
If we are able today to speak the Italian language in our community, if we have newspapers, events, performances in Italian, if our children could speak with their grandparents and relatives in Italy in Italian, if we could pray, appreciate fine poetry and art, which Italy is envied for, we owe it all to those who have made the teaching and the promotion of the Italian language their constant commitment throughout their life.
In order to honour these heroes, in our community, some well known and some who have worked silently behind the scenes, Centro Scuola would like you to join in honouring this years recepients: Premio Italy-Amo: Dr. Fabio Varlese, Fr. Vito Marziliano Award: David Plateo, Youth Achievement Award: Rose Cataldi
Saturday March 1st, 2025
Antipasto Bar 5:30 Dinner 6:30
BELLVUE MANOR (8083 Jane Street – Concord)
Organizing Commitee: Sam Ciccolini - Chair, Antonio Nicaso - Honourary Chair,
M. Cina & P. Servello-co-chair, E. Araujo, C Femia, D.Femia, G. Guadagno, L. Guadagno, A. Lunetta, A. Manco, C. Manco A. Marro, P. Riddell,
Tickets $150.00
Your support and participation in making this event successful is of paramount importance and would be greatly appreciated.
Domenico Servello
Executive Director
Organizing Commitee: Sam Ciccolini - Chair, Antonio Nicaso - Honourary Chair, M. Cina & P. Servello-co-chair, E. Araujo,
C Femia, D.Femia, G. Guadagno, L. Guadagno, A. Lunetta, A. Manco, C. Manco A. Marro, P. Riddell,

18th Annual Retro Gala
April 5, 2025
Tickets on Sale - $175 per ticket

905 761 7288
8083 Jane Street, Vaughan ON, L4K 2M7

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